
Wednesday, December 12, 2007

In agreement with "Cyber Security"

I agree with Danagray. I mean why all of a sudden is cyber identity being taken seriously when it has been going on for years now, but since it has only started affecting national security they’re going to take extreme measures to stop it. This should’ve been stopped when it first started, not pushed off to the side till it came to be as bad as it is now. She also makes a good point when she says that they failed to mention the cost of their program that is supposed to “solve” the problem. Is this program going to be accessible to all citizens or a certain class? That is something that should've been included in the article. Citizens need to know that kind of stuff. Committee's should have been started a lot earlier because the longer it takes them to get this whole situation solved only gives the hatchers more time to advance and gives them the ability to figure out ways to overcome whatever program we come up with to prevent cyber identity.