
Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Baby Grace

On July 24th, 2 year old Riley Ann Sawyers was severely beaten with leather belts, had her head shoved in the bathtub, was grabbed by her hair and thrown violently across the room slamming her head in the tile floor fracturing her skull in 3 different places. After her slow and painful death, she was wrapped inside a trash bag and thrown into a plastic container and left in their garage for up to 1-2 months. The body was thrown into the Galveston river and found by a fisherman about 5 miles from Galveston causeway. Mother, Kimberly Trenor, and Trenor’s husband, Roycle Ziegler, were arrested and charged with injury to a child and tampering with evidence, and bail was set for each at $350,000. Ziegler attempted suicide a week ago by overdosing on blood pressure medication and anti-depressants, he left a note stating that his wife had no part in committing the crime. I think that is crap, the mother did play a role in the murder of Riley because she just sat there, maybe also helped, while her own flesh and blood was being brutally murdered. What mother would allow her husband to murder her child that she carried for 9 months inside her? Trenor was 19 and had Riley at the age of 16 with her high school sweetheart, Robert Sawyers. About 8 months ago they broke up and Trenor got full custody of Riley and fled the states to Texas because when the couple was in court fighting for custody no lawyers were present to appeal for a relocation clause.
I think this article is just depressing. What has gone wrong with mother’s these days? And kids for that matter? It seems that it is now going to be somewhat common to find the murder of an infant or child by the parents or vice versa, death of parents committed by their kid. The thought of grabbing my mother or brother in that kind of way terrifies me. I could never bring myself to lay a hand on my mother or father. And even though I am not a parent, I still can’t see myself laying a hand, trying to kill her in that way. I hope both of them are convicted to a life sentence. If they don’t then you just have to question, what’s happened to our law system?


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