In agreement with "Innocent People That Die on Death Row In Texas"
I agree. Ok yeah there is a lot of executions to be done so people will want to get them over with, but I also think that if they are not 100% sure whether the criminal is completely guilty then a clemency should be given, and the case should be given another look at. There have been cases where after the execution has taken place that they tried the wrong person! If there is no doubt whatsoever that the person they are trying is the wrong person then I say go for it, I mean not necessarily the death penalty but no clemency is really needed. I am probably saying this now but when I am actually in the situation I'm sure my opinion will change...but I don't think they should always give the death penalty. I think they should give the life sentence more because that gives them actual time to think of what they did and the price they're paying for it, whereas just flat out killing them they don't really have time to reflect on their actions...! Is it also our right to take people's lives away? Isn't it's God's decision when it's time for someone to go "home"? Depending on how you look at it the death penalty could be considered suicide...I just don't think it's our right to take the life of another even when they should have their life taken away for the horrible things they committed. Anyways since the law isn't going to change and since the death penalty is still going to be given then they should set the execution day at least 5 years after the crime so that way the case can still be looked at thoroughly and they can make sure they have the right criminal, and they have five years to reflect their actions. All in all I agree with Mag that Governor Perry should grant more clemency.
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